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Spotlight Videos

40th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observance Program
40th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Holiday at the Overture Center.
Madison City Channel
1/21/2025 12:00:00 AM

Common Council: Meeting of March 11, 2025
The Madison Common Council is the policy-making body of the City of Madison. Representing the citizens of the City of Madison, the Common Council will promote the safety, health and general well -being of our community within the bounds of fiscal responsibility while preserving and advancing the quality of life resulting in exceptional civic pride.
Madison City Channel
3/11/2025 11:30:00 PM

Madison Fire In Her Boots
City Staff
5/22/2024 1:00:00 PM

Madison Police Department: Public Safety Summit
Madison City Channel
8/12/2024 7:49:24 PM

News Conference: Dane County Mayors
Madison City Channel
9/20/2024 4:49:54 PM

News Conference: East-West BRT Ribbon Cutting September 24, 2024
Madison City Channel
9/24/2024 5:00:00 PM

News Conference: State Lawmakers Advocate for Fully Funding Dane County Cities
Madison City Channel
10/3/2024 4:50:56 PM

Recent Channels

Access City Hall
Access: City Hall takes an in-depth look at issues affecting the lives of every Madisonian.
3/11/2022 3:51:29 PM

Additional Meetings
Meetings of bodies that are not regularly covered by Madison City Channel or former boards, commissions, and committees of the City.
10/21/2024 7:28:51 PM

Alcohol License Review Committee
The Alcohol License Review Committee thoroughly reviews license applications, addresses violations, and develops alcohol-related policies.
9/11/2024 7:54:35 PM

Bridging The Gap with MPD Chief Shon Barnes
Bridging The Gap with Madison Police Department Chief Shon Barnes
12/20/2023 4:12:29 AM

Common Council
The Common Council is the policy-making body of the City of Madison.
9/11/2024 7:09:18 PM

Common Council Executive Committee
The CCEC is the Executive Committee of the Common Council and is lead by the Common Council President and Vice-President.
9/11/2024 8:52:16 PM

Dane County Board of Supervisors
The Dane County Board of Supervisors establishes county ordinances, levies taxes, passes laws concerning law enforcement and appropriates money for services.
9/11/2024 8:52:28 PM

Department and Division Head Meetings
3/11/2022 3:53:16 PM

Disability Rights Commission
The Disability Rights Commission is a citizen advisory commission for the Common Council. Members focus on issues of accessibility and disability rights.
3/11/2022 3:51:10 PM

District Reports
District Reports brings you conversations with Alders and City staff on a current issue facing the Council and previews of other issues you can expect to hear discussed on the council floor.
3/11/2022 3:52:05 PM

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee makes recommendations regarding budget amendments and other matters with significant fiscal implications during the year.
9/11/2024 8:52:35 PM

Know Your Candidates
Moderated by the League of Women Voters of Dane County, candidates introduce themselves to voters, explain why they think voters should support them, and discuss issues facing their district. Know Your Candidates encourages you to watch, decide and vote.
8/10/2022 3:07:23 PM

Neighborhood Meetings
Neighborhood meetings are meetings sponsored by the City of Madison often involving an Alder. Examples include, but are not limited to: development projects in an aldermanic district; traffic safety issue meetings; and meetings on public transportation projects.
10/25/2023 3:48:47 PM

News Conferences
News Conferences provide information to the media and citizens of Madison, unfiltered and uncut.
9/11/2024 8:53:22 PM

Plan Commission
The function and duty of the Plan Commission is to make and adopt a master plan for the physical development of Madison.
9/11/2024 8:52:45 PM

Speeches, Ceremonies, and Panel Discussions of Civic Interest.
5/23/2024 1:29:34 PM

Senior Beat
Join us for Senior Beat, which showcases different programs and events surrounding Madison as well as conversation about issues that affect the senior citizens today. Senior Beat is a show for, by and about seniors.
3/11/2022 3:52:43 PM

The Mayor's Report
3/11/2022 3:51:35 PM

Transportation Commission
The Transportation Commission decides on transportation issues including Transit; Pedestrian, Bicycle and Motor Vehicle.
9/11/2024 8:53:02 PM

Transportation Policy & Planning Board
The Transportation Policy & Planning Board considers & address transportation policy & planning issues pertaining to each element of the city's transportation system.
3/11/2022 3:50:53 PM