Channel - Presentations
Speeches, Ceremonies, and Panel Discussions of Civic Interest.
5/23/2024 1:29:34 PM

Channel Videos

2017 Dane County Housing Summit
Workforce Housing Gap: Meeting the Needs of Dane County Employers and Employees
Madison City Channel
5/18/2017 6:46:02 PM

African American Leaders Encourage Parents to Talk about Civil Disobedience with their Children
African American Leaders Encourage Parents to Talk about Civil Disobedience with their Children
Madison City Channel
4/21/2015 3:34:35 PM

Badger Bioneers Conference: Plenary featuring Badger Bioneer Kiera Mulvey
This Plenary of the 2012 Badger Bioneers Conference features remarks from Badger Bioneer Kiera Mulvey.
12/13/2012 7:15:00 PM

Bus Rapid Transit: Public Kickoff Meeting
Join the City of Madison at a kickoff meeting to explore the Madison East-West Bus Rapid Transit Planning Study goals and to learn more about what BRT could mean for Madison. The City is implementing a broad public engagement effort to ensure that Madison's first BRT route accurately reflects a range of community needs, concerns and priorities.
Madison City Channel
12/13/2018 12:20:00 AM

Carbone Cancer Center 11th Annual Symposium: Aging Well: An Update on Macro and Micro Nutrient Needs of Older Adults
This session of the 11th Annual Carbone Cancer Center Symposium “Advances in Multidisciplinary Cancer Care” features Megan Waltz, MS, RD, CSO, CD, CNSC, Nutritionist, UW Hospital and Clinics, on “Aging Well: An Update on Macro and Micro Nutrient Needs of Older Adults.”
10/19/2012 6:00:00 PM

Collaboration & Connections: Inclusive Planning
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission presents their 2011 planning conference, “Collaboration and Connections: Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities.” This panel discussion addresses equity and inclusion as the foundation of a sustainable community, and the benefits of embracing the region’s growing diversity. The panelists also share ideas for connecting transportation, housing and jobs while expanding participation to those who are too often under-represented.
10/28/2011 3:00:00 PM

Common Council Informational Session on the CARES Team: July 19, 2022
Madison City Channel
7/19/2022 11:00:00 PM

Common Council Presentation - Community Safety Intervention Team (CSIT)
Representatives of the mayor’s office, Madison Police Department, multiple city and Dane County agencies, the Madison schools, FIC, UW Health and nonprofits are taking a coordinated approach to curbing gun violence in the our area.
Madison City Channel
10/30/2018 10:20:00 PM

Common Council Presentation/Update: Judge Doyle Square Master Planning Project
George Austin, project director for the Judge Doyle Square planning project, provides the members of the Common Council with an update on the Judge Doyle Square Master Planning Project. He will also be available to answer any questions from the Council.
George Austin
3/20/2012 8:30:00 AM

Common Council Presentation: Community Action Coalition
Madison City Channel
2/23/2016 11:20:00 PM

Common Council Update by the Sister City Collaboration Committee
Madison City Channel
1/19/2016 11:40:00 PM

Council Presentation on Transportation Improvement Plan 2018-2023
City Staff
4/18/2017 10:20:00 PM

Downtown Library Grand Opening
Madison City Channel covered the grand opening presentation of the new Downtown Library.
9/8/2013 1:00:00 AM

Finance Department Overview: 2016 Current Budget & 2017 Budget: July 19, 2016
David Schmiedicke, Finance Director, provides an overview of the status of the current budget and a preview of the 2017 Capital & Operating Budgets.
Dave Schmiedicke, Finance Director
7/19/2016 10:25:00 PM

Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau - Annual Tourism Exchange: “What it Takes to Succeed in 2012 and Beyond”
The Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau’s Annual Tourism Exchange will include networking, appetizers and valuable insight on travel and tourism. Dr. Laila Rach is an industry expert and a Professor and Dean Emeritus at NYU Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management. Also speaking are Deb Archer of GMCVB and Bill Haight, President of “In Business” magazine.
1/11/2012 4:00:00 PM

Green Madison Kick-Off Event
The City of Madison’s “Green Madison Program,” assists in making low-interest loans available to Madison residents and business in order to make buildings more energy efficient.
3/22/2011 7:00:00 PM

League of Women Voters of Dane County Issues Forum: The Future of Madison’s Lakes
The League of Women Voters of Dane County host this Issues Forum on the future of Madison’s lakes featuring Michael Mucha, Chief Engineer and Director, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, and Susan Jones, Office of Lakes and Watersheds, Dane County Land and Water Resources Department. Mr. Mucha speaks on “Cleaning the Yahara Lakes” and Ms. Jones on “Twenty-Five Years of ‘Take a Stake in the Lakes.’”
9/6/2012 12:00:00 AM

League of Women Voters of Dane County Lively Issues Luncheon: “There Must Be a Better Way”
Mike McCabe, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, and Jay Heck, Executive Director of Common Cause Wisconsin, discuss the influence of money on redistricting.
1/19/2013 6:45:00 PM

League of Women Voters of Dane County: The Role of the Federal Government in Public Education
The League of Women Voters of Dane County presents as its October 2011 Issues Forum a discussion of the role of the Federal Government in public education. The panel includes Deputy Superintendent Michael Thompson, Department of Public Instruction; Professor Gloria Ladson-Billings, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, UW–Madison; and Associate Professor Doug Harris, Department of Education Policy Studies, UW–Madison. Should the Federal Government mandate standards and curriculum for all schools nationwide, or should individual local school districts exercise more control? The panel will consider these any many other questions.
10/6/2011 12:00:00 AM

League of Women Voters: "Homeless Youth/Children in Dane County."
The League of Women Voters of Dane County Issues Forum: "Homeless Youth and Children in Dane County."
Madison City Channel
4/3/2014 12:00:00 AM

Madison Civics Club: Border Angels, Border Realities and Immigration Today
Madison Civics Club presentation of Enrique Morones, "Border Angels, Border Realities and Immigration Today."
10/5/2013 5:30:00 PM

Madison Cooperative Business Conference: Welcome and Keynote
This opening session of the Madison Cooperative Business Conference features introductions by Anne Reynolds, Assistant Director; University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives; a welcome by Madison Mayor Paul Soglin; and the Conference Keynote Address by Roy Messing, Program Coordinator; Ohio Employee Ownership Center.
6/7/2012 3:46:00 PM

Madison Cooperative Business Conference: Cooperatives in Health Care
This session of the Madison Cooperative Business Conference features a discussion on cooperatives in the health care system. Chris Noffke, Group Health Cooperative, provides an overview and moderates the session, which includes panelists Kevin Schmidt, Member; Center Point Counseling Services Cooperative and Tracey Dudzinski, Member; Cooperative Care.
6/7/2012 3:44:00 PM

Madison Cooperative Business Conference: Cooperatives in the Food System
This session of the Madison Cooperative Business Conference features a discussion on cooperative grocery stores, restaurants, and other elements of the food system. Courtney Berner, Outreach Manager; UW Center for Cooperatives, provides an overview and moderates the session, which includes panelists Yolanda Cotterall, Mercado Central, and Anya Firszt, General Manager; Willy Street Cooperative.
6/7/2012 3:44:00 PM

Madison Fire Department Fire Academy Recruit Class 4 Graduation
Madison Fire Department Fire Academy Recruit Class 4 Graduation. Friday, November 6, 2015, at Overture Center Promenade Hall
Madison City Channel
11/10/2015 5:48:37 PM

Madison Fire Department Recruit Class 9 Graduation Ceremony
Recruit Class 9 of the Madison Fire Department are sworn in as official City of Madison Fire Fighters.
Madison Fire Department
12/20/2019 8:50:00 PM

Madison Fire Station 13 Grand Opening Ceremony
The City celebrates the Grand Opening of Madison Fire Station 13.
Madison City Channel
7/21/2014 6:50:00 PM

Madison Municipal Building / City-County Building Public Hearing
Architects from MSR Design hold a public meeting about the pre-design of the Madison Municipal Building & City-County Building.
Madison City Channel
10/8/2014 11:20:00 PM

Madison Police Department Recruit Graduation Ceremony
Madison City Channel covers this event at which the trainees from the latest Police recruit class graduate.
2/3/2012 4:00:00 PM

Madison Police Department: Special Investigations Unit Notifications Meeting
The Madison Police Dept’s Special Investigations Unit along with the Community Against Violence Team will conduct a “Notification Call-In Meeting.” As part of the Department’s Focused Deterrence program, The Madison Police Department’s SIU and the Community Against Violence Team will meet with repeat, violent offenders from our community. At this meeting a Law Enforcement Panel will address the offenders and notify them that they will be receiving special attention due to their violent histories. A Community Team working in conjunction with Untied Way and Madison Urban Ministry will also address the offenders and offer them the opportunity to receive resources to help them with life challenges such as housing, dependency treatment, and education. The message from both panels will be the same – “We care about you but your violence must stop.”
10/4/2012 10:30:00 PM

Madison’s Google Fiber Application: Public Meeting of March 11, 2010
In mid-February, Google announced plans to bring ultra-high speed fiber networks to residential homes in trial locations around the country. More information on Google Fiber is available here. The City will submit an application to Google by March 26 and needs the community’s help to make our application stand out in this highly competitive process. This meeting is a major step in the process of enlisting the community’s help.
City Staff
3/12/2010 1:00:00 AM

Mayor Satya: Our Madison Moving Forward Together
Join Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway as she discusses the challenges we are facing today and how to move Madison forward: • Keeping our community safe from COVID-19 • Responding to the economic crisis • Developing critical public safety strategies
Madison City Channel
8/13/2020 6:00:00 PM

Mayor's Neighborhood Conference: Participatory Budgeting
Maria Hadden, Participatory Budgeting Project, will discuss how cities around the world are using participatory budgeting to fund neighborhood priorities. 
Madison City Channel
9/13/2014 7:00:00 PM

Mayor's Neighborhood Conference: Welcome From Mayor Soglin
Mayor's Neighborhood Conference: Welcome From Mayor Soglin
Madison City Channel
10/10/2016 7:43:10 PM

Medication Assisted Treatment
Dr. David Pierce discusses options for treating prescription Opioid and Heroin addiction.
Madison City Channel
5/7/2014 12:50:00 PM

Neighborhood Roundtable: EDC Development Review Report and Neighborhood Summit Findings: November 6, 2010
A panel representing the EDC and neighborhoods will present the Draft Economic Development Committee (EDC) Report on the City’s development review process along with Neighborhood Summit Findings. Participants will break into small groups to discuss the draft EDC report’s neighborhood participation aspects. To wrap-up this session, the large group will reassemble and all small groups will have the chance to share highlights of their discussions and learn about next steps. Presenters: Marsha Rummel, Alder District 6; Chris Schmidt, Alder District 5; Kathy Dustin and Jack Chvala, Glendale Neighborhood. For more information, click on the links icon located at the top left corner of the page.
Marsha Rummel, Alder, District 6
11/6/2010 3:15:00 PM

Place Making: Fred Kent of People for Public Spaces
A Place Making Meeting featuring a presentation by Fred Kent of People for Public Spaces.
9/24/2013 1:30:00 PM

Psychological Effects of the Internet
"Psychological Effects of the Internet" A Wellness Lecture by Professor Morton Ann Gernsbacher
Madison City Channel
9/27/2017 8:01:34 PM

Public Service Employee Recognition Week: May 5, 2010
This event commemorated Public Service Recognition Week featuring a proclamation by Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz “...honoring City of Madison employees and their contributions to the residents of Madison.”
Dave Cieslewicz, Mayor of Madison
5/5/2010 5:30:00 PM

Safe Communities Drug Poisoning Summit: State and Federal Perspectives as They Relate to Local Action
The Safe Communities is a local public/private partnership that sustains joint action by area agencies, businesses, and neighborhoods to SAVE LIVES, prevent injuries and make our community safer. This session of the “Drug Poisoning Summit” features Dr. Leonard J. Paulozzi of the CDC and Dr. Dorothy Chaney of the State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse fielding questions from a panel of local officials.
1/30/2012 4:00:00 PM

Shifting into Positive Gear
It’s natural to get focused on all the things we don’t like in our life. Tina Hallis, Ph.D will discuss strategies to make it easier to see more of the good stuff for a more enjoyable life
Madison Senior Center
4/27/2017 5:00:00 PM

The Behavioral Effects of E-Signatures on Individual Decision-Making
In this Behavioral Insights for Government (BIG) presentation, Eileen Chou reviews her research on the role of signatures in public policy. She examines the possibility that e-signatures do not exert the same symbolic weight for people's behavior, exposing a potentially critical, and largely overlooked, problem in public policy uses of e-signatures.
Eileen Chou, Social Psychologist, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia
12/7/2017 6:30:00 PM

United Nations Association of Dane County: Lisa Fernandez, UNA-USA Dane County Citizen of the Year
Lisa Fernandez is an Orthopedic nurse at UW Hospital and is board certified as a Medical/Surgery Nurse. She holds a Capstone Certificate in Global Health. Lisa made her first trip to Nicaragua in 1999 when she delivered 52 wheelchairs to children in areas devastated by Hurricane Mitch. When she returned to Wisconsin, she founded The Wisconsin /Nicaragua Wheelchair Project (WNWP), now under the umbrella of the Wisconsin Medical Project. WNWP partners with Familias Especiales - an NGO in Matagalpa, Nicaragua that serves handicapped children and their families.
3/13/2012 8:30:00 AM

WAPA 2010 Annual Conference: Parks Planning: March 5, 2010
This session will discuss the planning and designing of community parks. The first segment will discuss “Phoenix Park: Urban Revitalization Catalyst” and will feature David Schreiber, a Landscape Architect at Schreiber/Anderson Associates, and Michael Schatz, Economic Development Director at the City of Eau Claire. The second segment will discuss “Madison’s Central Park: Evolution of a Community Vision” with Mark Olinger, City of Madison Director of Planning and Development, and Dan Williams, Principal/Senior Landscape Architect, JJR Landscape Architects.
David Schreiber, Landscape Architect at Schreiber/Anderson Associates
3/5/2010 8:45:00 PM

WI Book Festival: "Reprieve" - James Han Mattson
More information about this presentation:
James Han Mattson, Author
10/23/2021 6:20:00 PM

Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Conference: Tera Johnson, Founder, TerasWhey
The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council holds its Fifth annual conference. This afternoon plenary features Tera Johnson, Founder and CEO of TerasWhey.
12/7/2012 8:00:00 PM

Year of the Local - a 2013 Celebration of Tourism Connections
The Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau presents “Year of the Local - a 2013 Celebration of Tourism Connections” featuring Peter Greenberg, Travel Editor for CBS News (and a UW-Madison graduate).
2/1/2013 12:00:00 AM

YWCA Racial Justice Summit: Loretta Ross
Loretta Ross presents, "Building the Beloved Community Through Human Rights."
City Staff
10/2/2015 1:30:00 PM

YWCA Racial Justice Summit: Rachel Godsil
Rachel Godsil of Seton Hall University School of Law presents, "Moment to Movement: Insights from Implicit Bias, Racial Anxiety, and Stereotype Threat."
Madison City Channel
10/1/2015 1:45:00 PM

YWCA Racial Justice Summit: Welcome and Keynote from John Powell
The 2014 YWCA Racial Justice Summit kicks off with a keynote address from internationally recognized civil rights expert, John Powell.
Madison City Channel
10/3/2014 1:30:00 AM

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