Channel - District Reports
District Reports brings you conversations with Alders and City staff on a current issue facing the Council and previews of other issues you can expect to hear discussed on the council floor.
3/11/2022 3:52:05 PM
Channel Videos
District Reports: The Magic Bus? An Update on Madison Metro
Host Eve Galanter welcomes Lisa Subeck, First District Alderperson, and Chuck Kamp, General Manager, Madison Metro.
Chuck Kamp, General Director, Madison Metro
2/27/2012 9:30:00 PM
District Reports: A Capital Idea? The Mayor’s Executive Capital Budget
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, Seventeenth District Alderperson Joe Clausius, and Third District Alderperson Lauren Cnare, discuss the Mayor's Executive Capital Budget.
Susan Hamblin
9/6/2011 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: A Cyber City Hall? The Role of E-Government in Madison
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin and her guests, 8th District Alder Scott Resnick and 19th District Alder Mark Clear, discuss the role of E-Government in Madison. They discuss the newly launched web portal as well as how Madison stacks up to other cities in making City Hall accessible to Madison residents through its website.
1/22/2013 7:00:00 PM
District Reports: A Date with State Street? The Block 100 Plans for State Street
Host Eve Galanter welcomes 4th District Alderperson, Mike Verveer, and 6th District Alderperson, Marsha Rummel.
Eve Galanter
11/28/2011 8:27:00 PM
District Reports: A Healthy City? The State of Public Health in Madison and Dane County
Host Eve Galanter, and her guests, 20th Dist Alder Matt Phair and Janel Heinrich, Public Health for Madison and Dane County, reviewed the state of health in Madison.
4/15/2013 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: A New Look for the Gateway to the City? Redevelopment Plans for East Washington Avenue
Host Eve Galanter talks with Second District Alderperson Bridget Maniaci, and City Director of Economic Development, Aaron Olver about redevelopment plans for East Washington Avenue.
Eve Galanter
4/16/2012 8:30:00 PM
District Reports: And the Winners Are? A City Elections Preview
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, retiring Alders Judy Compton (16th District) and Michael Schumacher (18th District) look at the various contested local races (Alders, Mayor, and Dane County Executive) on the April 5th ballot, and Judy and Michael make their best guesses as to who will win each race.
Susan Hamblin
3/28/2011 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: April Referendum Questions Regarding the Common Council
Host Eve Galanter welcomes Assistant City Attorney John Strange to discuss the four advisory referendum questions on the upcoming April 6th ballot regarding possible structural changes to the Common Council.
Eve Galanter
2/25/2021 7:25:34 PM
District Reports: Back to School? Closer Ties Between the City and the School District
Host: Susan Hamblin. Guests: Matt Phair, 20th District Alder, and Arlene Silviera, Member, Madison Board of Education.
Susan Hamblin
5/14/2012 8:30:00 PM
District Reports: Bank Shot? Is Landbanking by the City Wise Economic Policy?
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, 2nd District Alder Bridget Maniaci and 19th District Alder Mark Clear, discussed the City’s recent practice of purchasing properties and budgeting to do so in 2010 and 2011. Is this smart economic policy? What is the City planning to do with these properties? Is it worth taking properties off the tax rolls? These were some of the questions discussed.
Susan Hamblin
1/31/2011 9:30:00 PM
District Reports: But - Is It Art? The Madison Cultural Plan
Host, former Alder Eve Galanter, and her guests, 6th District Alderperson Marsha Rummel, and Karin Wolf, Arts Program Administrator for the City of Madison, discussed the new “Madison Cultural Plan” and what it might mean for the arts in Madison. They discussed the role of the consultant, Mary Berryman Agard, and how this plan fits in the City’s tight budget environment.
For more information, click on the links icon located at the top left corner of the page.
Eve Galanter
4/12/2010 8:00:00 PM
District Reports: Capital Economics - The 2105 Capital Budget
Alder Ledell Zellers discusses the proposed 2015 Capital Budget.
Ledell Zellers, Alder, District 2
9/15/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Changing of the Guard? A Conversation with the New - and the Old - Council Leadership
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, Third District Alder and outgoing Council President Lauren Cnare, and Fifth District Alder and newly elected Council President Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, discuss the role of Council leadership. Ald. Cnare discusses the accomplishments of her term, and Ald. Bidar-Sielaff discusses her plans for the coming year.
Susan Hamblin
4/30/2012 8:30:00 PM
District Reports: Community Services - The Ins and Outs of Funding Non-Profits
Third District Alder and CDBGC member, Lauren Cnare, and Director of the Community Development Office, Jim O'Keefe discuss possible changes to Community Services funding.
Lauren Cnare, Alder, District 3
6/2/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Crime and Punishment? A Look at Public Safety in Madison
Host former Alder Susan Hamblin welcomes 14th District Ald. John Strasser and Interim Madison Police Chief Randy Gaber to discuss public safety issues in Madison.
John Strasser, Alder, District 14
3/3/2014 10:00:00 PM
District Reports: Crime and Punishment? An Update on Policing in Madison
Crime and Punishment? An Update on Policing in Madison.
5/6/2013 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Designing the Livable City - Placemaking in Madison
Designing the Livable City: Placemaking in Madison
Rebecca Cnare, Urban Design Planner
3/17/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Do the Numbers Add Up? The 2012 City of Madison Budget
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, 3rd Dist Alder Lauren Cnare (Common Council President) and 5th Dist Alder Shiva Bidar-Sielaff (Council President Pro-Tem) discuss the 2012 City of Madison budget. They look at the impact of cuts in State aid to the City and various agencies, and discuss several likely amendments to the Mayor's proposed Executive Budget.
Susan Hamblin
10/31/2011 7:27:00 PM
District Reports: Dollars & Cents - The 2015 City Budget
11th District Alder and Common Council President, Chris Schmidt, and 16th District Alder and Common Council President Pro Tem, Denise DeMarb, discuss the 2015 City Budget.
Chris Schmidt, Alder, District 11
10/20/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Don't Bug Me! Emerald Ash Borer in Madison
City Forester, Marla Eddy, and Parks Commission member, Alder Joe Clausius, discuss the City's efforts at combating Emerald Ash Borer.
Joe Clausius, Alder, District 17
10/6/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: From the Drawing Board to Reality? An Update on Madison's "Central Park"
Host Eve Galanter welcomes Sixth District Alderperson Marsha Rummel, and Kevin Briski, Madison Parks Superintendent.
Eve Galanter
3/20/2012 8:30:00 PM
District Reports: Herding Cats? Council Leadership and the Edgewater Hotel Project
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, 14th District Alder and Common Council President Tim Bruer and 19th District Alder and Council President Pro Tem Mark Clear discussed the ongoing controversy over the Edgewater Hotel project and, in particular, how their leadership of the Council has impacted the process. They also looked ahead to the election of new Council officers.
For more information, click on the links icon located at the top left corner of the page.
Susan Hamblin
4/19/2010 8:00:00 PM
District Reports: If We Build It, Will They Come? The Case for a New Monona Terrace Hotel
Gregg McManners, Executive Director of Monona Terrace, and 4th District Alder, Mike Verveer, discuss future plans for an additional hotel to service the Monona Terrace in downtown Madison.
2/25/2013 11:00:00 PM
District Reports: Is Overture Ready to Fly? An Update on the Overture Center
An update on the Overture Center, with guests Fourth District Alderperson Mike Verveer, and Eighth District Alderperson Scott Resnick.
Eve Galanter
9/19/2011 11:00:00 PM
District Reports: Making Plans For Madison? The Role of the Plan Commission
Alders and Plan Commission members, Scott Resnick and Steve King, discuss current issues the Plan Commission faces in regards to development in the City.
Steve King, Alder, District 7
5/19/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Making Public Places Safer. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Host former Alder Eve Galanter and her guests, Ninth District Alderperson Paul Skidmore and Kevin Briski, Superintendent, Madison Parks, discussed how the proper environmental design of parks and other public spaces can reduce the occurrence of crime and other antisocial behavior. They discussed Olin-Turville Park and Peace Park on State Street as two specific examples.
Eve Galanter
2/1/2010 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Modernizing Metro - Changes and Challenges for Metro Transit
Madison Metro General Manager, Chuck Kamp, and Chair of the Transit and Parking Commission, Gary Paulson, discuss changes at Metro Transit.
Chuck Kamp, General Director, Madison Metro
9/2/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: New Council Leadership
Host Eve Galanter welcomes the new Common Council President, Marsha Rummel, and Common Council Vice President, Samba Baldeh, to discuss their goals and duties as Council leadership.
Marsha Rummel, Alder, District 6
5/1/2017 9:30:00 PM
District Reports: Park Place? A Look at Parking in Madison
Park Place? A Look at Parking in Madison
Chris Schmidt, Alder, District 11
4/7/2014 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Pedal to the Metal? Is Madison a Bicycle-Friendly Community?
Host former Alder Eve Galanter and her guests, 8th District Alder Bryon Eagon and 9th District Alder Paul Skidmore (both members of the City’s Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motor Vehicle Commission) discussed bicycling in Madison. Topics covered included how bicyclists are informed of the proper rules of the road, when and how bikes must be registered, and future bike-friendly City initiatives.
For more information, click on the links icon located at the top left corner of the page.
8/2/2010 8:00:00 PM
District Reports: Reading the Fine Print? Vetting the City’s Overture Deal.
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin and her guests, Third District Alderperson Lauren Cnare and Fourteenth District Alderperson Tim Bruer (both members of the City’s Ad-Hoc Overture Committee) discussed the City’s options in dealing with the Overture Center. Should the City decide by the end of 2010 to purchase Overture for $1? If so, what about the long term expenses (both operating and capital) that that ownership would commit the City to? If the City says, no thanks, will Overture go dark?
For more information, click on the links icon located at the top left corner of the page.
9/20/2010 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Ready for a Grand Opening? The New Downtown Library
Ready for a Grand Opening? The New Downtown Library
9/16/2013 9:15:00 PM
District Reports: Ready for a Summer of Fun? A Look at Madison Parks
Ready for a Summer of Fun? A Look at Madison Parks
6/3/2013 10:30:00 PM
District Reports: Roaring Back? An Update on the Overture Center
Host, former Alder Eve Galanter, and her guest, Tom Carto, President and CEO of the Overture Center, discussed the status of Overture in light of the successful run of “The Lion King,” a 100% increase in season subscription, and a season loaded with high profile events. Tom and Eve also discussed the fiscal situation and plans to deal with the debt that resulted from the liquidation of Overture’s trust fund.
For more information, click on the links icon located at the top left corner of the page.
Eve Galanter
6/14/2010 8:00:00 PM
District Reports: School Daze? The City and the School District
Host Susan Hamblin and her guests, 20th Dist Ald Matt Phair and School Board member TJ Mertz, discuss cooperative ventures between the City and the School District.
9/3/2013 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: The Choice? The Council Decides the Future of Overture
Host, former Alder Eve Galanter, and her guests, Fourth District Alder Mike Verveer and Fourteenth District Alder Tim Bruer (both members of the Overture Ad Hoc Committee) discussed the Council’s impending discussion and vote on the future of Overture. The panel discussed the various ownership/operation models under consideration and what each would mean for the City of Madison and its taxpayers.
Eve Galanter
11/29/2010 9:30:00 PM
District Reports: The Gateway to a Model City? The Transformation of John Nolen Drive
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, 14th District Alder Tim Bruer and Tim Metcalfe of the Nolen Centennial Project Task Force (Alder Bruer is also a member) discussed the ambitious plans for a re-imagining of the John Nolen Drive corridor from Monona Terrace to the Alliant Center.
Susan Hamblin
2/21/2011 9:30:00 PM
District Reports: The Squeeze? A Look at the 2013 City of Madison Budget
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, 15th District Alder Larry Palm, and 17th District Alder Joe Clausius (both members of the City’s Board of Estimates) discuss the 2013 City of Madison Budget. They discuss what items (such as City support for the Overture Center) may spark discussion and amendments.
10/15/2012 5:00:00 PM
District Reports: The Wheels on the Bus? An Update on Madison Metro
The Wheels on the Bus? An Update on Madison Metro
Chuck Kamp, General Director, Madison Metro
8/5/2013 8:45:00 PM
District Reports: This is Gonna Hurt. A First Look at the 2012 City Budget
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, 10th District Alder Brian Solomon and 15th District Alder Larry Palm, discussed the outlook for the City’s 2012 budget. The guests, both new members of the Board of Estimates (the City’s budget and finance committee), discussed the impact of the State budget on Madison and also touched on the overall budget process and the roles of the Mayor, the Council, City staff, and the Madison public.
Susan Hamblin
8/1/2011 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Time Flies When You’re Having Fun? A Look Back at 2012 and Ahead to 2013
A Look Back at 2012 and Ahead to 2013
1/7/2013 5:00:00 PM
District Reports: To Hotel or Not to Hotel? The Debate Over a Second Monona Terrace Hotel
Alds. Mike Verveer and David Ahrens debate the need for a second Monona Terrace hotel on Judge Doyle Square.
Madison City Channel
1/21/2014 10:00:00 PM
District Reports: To Market, to Market? The Plans for the Madison Public Market
Host, former Alder Eve Galanter, and her guests, Sixth District Alder Marsha Rummel, and Aaron Olver, Interim Director of Economic Development for the City, discuss the plans for a Downtown public market on the current site of the Government East parking structure. They discuss the various events that have shaped plans, including the rejection of funds for a Downtown rail station and the current situation with the State budget.
Eve Galanter
6/6/2011 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Water Water Everywhere? An Update on the Madison Water Utility
Water Water Everywhere? An Update on the Madison Water Utility
7/15/2013 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: What a Year It’s Been! A Look Back at 2010 and Ahead to 2011.
Host, former Alder Eve Galanter and her guests, 10th District Alderperson Brian Solomon and 16th District Alderperson Judy Compton, took a look back at 2010 and ahead to 2011. Rather than focus on the obvious “big ticket” items such as Edgewater, Overture and the Downtown Library, the panel discussed the Council’s biggest accomplishments of 2010, their biggest disappointments, and issues to focus on in 2011.
Eve Galanter
1/3/2011 9:30:00 PM
District Reports: What a Year It's Been! A Look Back at 2013 and Ahead to 2014
What a Year It's Been! A Look Back at 2013 and Ahead to 2014
Madison City Channel
1/6/2014 10:00:00 PM
District Reports: Where All the Lights Are Bright? The City’s Downtown Plan
Host Susan Hamblin welcomes 2nd Dist Alderperson Bridget Maniaci, and 4th Dist Alderperson Mike Verveer.
Susan Hamblin
1/17/2012 8:27:00 PM
District Reports: Where the Action Is? The City’s New Downtown Plan
Host, former Alder Eve Galanter, and her guests, Fourth District Alder Mike Verveer, and Bill Fruhling, Principal Planner with the Department of Planning and Development, discuss the long-in-the-works (since 2008) Downtown Plan. They discuss the definition and boundaries of Downtown, why the process has taken four years, and what is included in the new plan.
Eve Galanter
7/2/2012 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Without a Roof Over Their Heads: A Look at Homelessness in Madison
Host, former Alder Susan Hamblin, and her guests, First District Alder Lisa Subeck and Hickory Hurie of the Office of Community Services, take a look at the issue of homelessness in Madison. They define the scope of the problem in Madison and in Dane County and discuss cooperative efforts to address the crisis.
Susan Hamblin
7/16/2012 9:00:00 PM
District Reports: Working For Peanuts? Should Madison Have Full-Time Alders?
Council President, Chris Schmidt, and 2nd District Alder, Ledell Zellers, discuss the pros and cons of having a full-time council.
Ledell Zellers, Alder, District 2
1/20/2015 9:45:00 PM
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